Quote For The Day

"Well, I mean, it's a little bit similar to Paris. We played the last four years against each other in Paris. We played the last three years against each other here at Wimbledon. So we definitely won't see the same finals again.

"So that's disappointing for me, of course, because I'd love to play him. He's my main rival. We've had some wonderful matches over the years, and especially the one here last year was the one that obviously stands out.

"So that we can't potentially maybe repeat that, uhm, is obviously sad. But it gives me it just shows me how lucky I've been, you know, that I haven't been injured over all those years, you know, that I've been able to keep it up.

"Even though I was No. 1, the one people were going after, I was there, I was not injured very often, and I was able to keep it up. It just shows it goes so quick.

"So it's unfortunate. I'm sad for him, because it must have been a very difficult decision to make."--Roger Federer

Well, at least he admits he's been lucky. Now all y'all who like to ride me for saying the same thing can take it to Raja himself.

If you dare.

(Thanks, BooksHere)


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