TheTruth About The 2008 Australian Open

As many of you know, I often quote TheTruth, a tennis enthusiast who graces a few forums with her eloquent voice. She allows me to repeat her best stuff right here. Without further ado, here is TheTruth's review of this past forthnight:

This Australian Open was the most meaningful Grand Slam on the men's side in recent years. It should live in history for being the year the competition came back. After four years of listening to pundits describe one player as the only one to have game, and there was nothing others could do about it, one player stood up. No, not Rafa, he has always stood in the face of such foolishness and played his game. This time, a mouse entered the den of the lion and said, "I will not surrender without a fight." Thank you, Janko Tipsarevic, for bringing your attitude and willingness to fight on a Grand Slam stage. Thank you for not believing the hype and knowing that tennis is about competing, not about pretty shots. Hats off to you for knowing that all are human and no man is a god. Your presence was felt long after you left.

Thank you Jo-Willie for reminding us what a complete game really is. That serve-and- volley tennis comes in on its terms, and delivers points with deft volleys at the right time. You used everything in your arsenal to produce stellar results, and left us with our mouths gaping wide. This wasn't your time, but it may soon be, if you take advantage of your many gifts.

And Rafa, a young man, who despite your age, was the proud papa who ushered in the entire spirit of competition. Who never cried through your loss, knowing that getting pushed will only make you better, more complete, as has been your wish all along. Smiling, with relief that you no longer had to shoulder the burden of competition all by yourself any more.

Now folks, we have tennis. Not the insidious idolatry of the past, but warriors coming out competing for hardware, eager to have it on their own shelf. Unwilling to allow the voices of the commentators and other competitors to seduce them into giving up before the first ball is struck. This is the way the sport of tennis should be played. Not the sickening fawning of the recent past. Now we should be able to watch a tournament with butterflies in our stomachs, wondering who shall become the victor. Having all of the Grand Slams predicted beforehand was a blight on the sport, but now order has been restored.

And even Novak, of whom I am not a fan, but can say that I respect his game. Kudos to you for joining the short list of competitors who have enough respect for themselves and their game to believe you have a shot. Who together with Rafa, Tsonga, Canas, Nalbandian, Volandri, and Tipsarevic have vowed to come on court with everything you've got and give Roger a run for his money, rather than a waltz to an unheard of twenty Slams.

Yes, this Australian Open has been the best of them yet. It brought the game back to tennis enthusiasts worldwide!

Related Article: Savannah's Review


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