Tennis and Politics

Sometimes, tennis and politics mix quite well. Sometimes they don't. This is a tennis blog. It will remain a tennis blog unless or until I shut it down, and I ask all of my readers to respect that. It doesn't mean that politics is never discussed, because I don't compartmentalize my life with any rigidity. As some of you know, I often post links to other subjects in the sidebar to raise awareness about them.

I do, however, have another blog where politics is more front and center. That blog is called Fumbling Toward Divinity, named after my adoption reunion memoir that I published back in 2005. That blog doesn't get too many comments because it's so personal it doesn't have high traffic. I'm perfectly fine with that. But I invite you all to discuss political, social and cultural issues with me over there if that's your passion.

If you desire more rigorous discourse with many more participants, I'm a regular reader and commenter at Jack and Jill Politics. It welcomes people from every background and political persuasion and the discussions are wonderful. There's a daily open thread where people can bring up any issue they like, post links to articles, stories, and essays and the discussions are never boring. I encourage readers of this blog who want to engage me in politics and other non-tennis topics to come visit me there and we can go at it.

Thank you all for your readership. I appreciate everyone who comments here, whether I agree with you or not, especially if I don't, and I hope that people continue to visit.

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation.



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