Quote For The Day II (Updated)

“DON’T feel too sorry for Roger because none of us do. He’s spent far too long getting right into our heads, now let’s see if he’s going to be subjected to a little anguish and self-belief problems.”--Andy Roddick, just before last year's Queens Club event.

Stunned doesn't even begin to describe my initial impression of this quote. And then there's the article itself, which left my jaw on the floor.

(Thanks, Helen W)

UPDATE: I found some words in response to this quote, as I wrote in the comments:

It almost seems as though people have been sitting on this stuff just waiting until Raja fell.

Quite frankly, I have a problem with that.

Don't build a person up and then take pleasure in kicking them in the gut when they're down.

I don't want that for anyone, whether I like them or not.

Yes, Raja has the titles and the records.

But too many people propped him up. Not because he didn't deserve to be propped up, but there was virtually no critical insight into the majestic world Raja had created, not just through his tennis, but through his obvious efforts to "get right into [his competition's] heads." Many of these writers and analysts painted that world with saturated colors. Safe to say some even did their part in trying to ensure that the technicolor world never ended. As though they had a personal stake in its longevity. As though they couldn't live with themselves if Raja didn't break every record in tennis and wanted -- no needed -- to do all they could to help.

Andy said this last year and it's just coming out now?

That in itself is a story that someone needs to tell.


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