Quote For The Day

“I feel good and I feel confident. I think the big difference is that you get to those 30-all points and I just feel... calm... and like I’m going to play the point the way I want to. I feel like I’m able to plan out more what I’m gonna do. I have maybe some more options now. Yeah. I just feel calm on the court. It’s nice, but I think it can still be improved. It’s only been a couple of months, that I’ve been playing a little better, so....”--Andy Roddick

Thanks, Graf_Sampras for bringing this forward in the comments. From that article, here's a good passage from the writer:

Over the years, through crushing defeats (including the emblematic three consecutive losses to Federer at Wimbledon, two of which were finals), a succession of coaches, criticism that the game had passed by his “type” (the meat-and-potatoes power-player whose game is built around the serve), Roddick kept the faith. More importantly, he worked. He worked like a dog trying to keep pace with the fire truck barreling down his street, tongue hanging out, nails clicking and worn and bleeding on the pavement, chest heaving, but always keeping that vehicle in sight.


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