Comment Of The Week

Christopher Crocker said...

The nature, and irony, of an individual sport like tennis is that as you rise to the top of the game, your success breeds the players that will come to supplant you. The game changed so much from the beginning of Roger Federer's run at the top until now. This is not unique to his game, it happened before him with Pete Sampras, and before that with any other number of great players. His success brought the level of the game up, the coaches saw the way he was changing the game, and at least in a small part, trained the young players so that they could handle that type of player. The same thing will probably, and already has started to happen with Nadal. Have you seen the muscle that Andy Murray has put on over the last year? The new breed of players that will come up soon will in some part be modeled on playing, and handling a game like [Rafael] Nadal's, which was built in some part on handling Federer, which was built in some part on handling Sampras, which was built ...

This is why tennis is such a beautiful sport - visual f*cking poetry.

Post: Quote For The Day


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