Quote For The Day

"I think players need more attention because health is coming in the matter of question, really. You have a lot of pull-outs (in Melbourne) and you don't want to see that as a sponsor of the tournament or as a fan, that some of the top players in the top 10 are not coming to your events. Tennis is by far the longest season in sport and I think we should do something about it in the future. But, still, it's not only about the players. It's about the tournaments. It's about a lot of things. Hopefully we can make an agreement.

"I don't think you can change everything from the start, from the bottom, because it takes a lot of energy and work. As I said, it's not only about the players — tournaments — there is a lot of tradition and history everywhere around the world. The thing is that if you want to see the top players performing on the high level on every tournament, then we have to make an adjustable schedule." -- Novak Djokovic


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