There's a Mink In My House!

And I'm not talking about a coat.

I was sitting in my office suite this morning and out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. Lo and behold, a dark gray mink was sitting in the adjoining room checking me out.

I know I live on a farm and alla that, but I didn't sign up for wildlife in my office suite. A mouse here or there in the wintertime is one thing, but a mink??!!!

The little critter looked at me and didn't even run that far away when I screamed. He kept trying to peep me from behind trunks and chairs and woodpiles. It's a rather cute little animal, I must say, with it's tiny head and beady eyes. But it doesn't belong in my house.

I set up a Havahart trap with a large chunk of tuna fish as bait per animal control instructions and as you might expect, it's been more than a few hours and the critter hasn't shown up again.

The way the mink kept looking at me with such a friendly face, the way it simply refused to run away, I'm beginning to wonder if a spirit wasn't just dropping by to say hello.

Meanwhile, I'm preparing for my trip to Portland. I've located my NetHead, my red Davis Cup sweatshirt, and my red, white, and blue garb from the quarterfinal tie in Winston-Salem earlier this year.

I can't wait.

I hope we win, what a great end of the year for Andy and James if we clench it (and of course the Bryans, but with their 11 titles this year and their No. 1 ranking, they've alerady had a great year), but I don't underestimate the talent on the Russian squad. As the story goes, in Davis Cup anything can happen.

I fly out before sunrise tomorrow from east-coast Portland and arrive in west-coast Portland by early afternoon local time. I'll be equipped this time with a digital camera and maybe even a videocamera to bring you the sights and sounds of a great city and what I hope will be a great event.

Till then, check out what Bob and Mike Bryan have to say about their experience so far. They're blogging for the ATP this week.

Go USA!!!


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