Link Tuesday

Not in the mood for a tirade today, so I'll leave you with all the news that's fit to print.

Primacias (Spanish) - David Nalbandian's family has suffered yet another year-end loss. His father died a few years ago, and last year his godson/cousin was killed in an elevator accident. This time, Nalbandian's aunt was killed by a car that drove onto the sidewalk where she was walking. The driver drove off without stopping but turned himself in to the police several hours later. (Blurb translated by mmmm8)

New York Times - Tennis made the front page of the nation's most serious paper. Talk of Efforts to Fix Matches Rattles Tennis is the headline. It's below the fold, mind you, but it's on the front page. No such thing as bad publicity?

Daily Mail - Serena Williams had a wardrobe malfunction? No, not in the picture I've posted, but apparently, she was seen in London with her new man in a holey-er than thou way. We can only speculate what she was doing on her knees in the limo... (Be sure to read the comments under the article.)

Tennis Channel - Steve Flink offers up an interesting postscript on the Roger Federer and Pete Sampras exhibitions in Asia.

USA Today - Patrick McEnroe, renaissance man? Um. Okay. He doesn't get good ink in these parts, but what the hell. He's going to get nothing but love from me till he leads the team to Davis Cup glory!

ESPN - And speaking of Davis Cup. Bonnie DeSimone Ford pens another one of her insightful articles, this time about Andy Roddick's dedication to Davis Cup and the unique team that will contest the final this weekend. And then there's this gem. Go USA!!!


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