Happy Anniversary To Us!

I was going to write this long, drawn out tirade today (y'all know how verbose I can get) about how Martina Hingis is guilty as the devil (A and B urine sample positive tests mean she's guilty till proving herself innocent, which she can't do), knows it, (those jokes about her yelling to the ump, "That ball was in, didn't you see the coke fly up from the lines?!" at Wimbledon are really quite hilarious and give new meaning to on the baseline) and is trying her case in the court of public opinion (which is the only place she knows she has a thread's chance of "winning" given that she's gotten so many free passes from the tennis elite for most of the stupid mess that fell from her lips like dominoes throughout her career), when I realized this blog is a year old and I'd rather celebrate that than give her lying ass any more ink.

Happy Anniversary to us! Thanks to all the readers, commenters, and contributors, most especially Savannah and Mad Professah, for making this my favorite tennis community on the Internet. Yeah, I'm biased. Hehe. Vote for us whenever you visit in the sidebar down at the bottom and click on all the ads (several times) in the middle of the sidebar to keep the piles of cash (yeah, right!) flowing into my bank account so I can keep being a slug and do nothing but watch, read about, and write about tennis for the rest of my life!

The First Entry: What a difference a year makes.


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