Twitter & Facebook Updates

Thank you guys for cheering for me today, and every day throughout this week. I'm happy to be the winner of today's match, and happy to have faced such an incredible rival like Nadal is. I will keep on working hard, but for today - I'm just going to enjoy and have fun :)

Hvala vam svima na podrsci danas I tokom celog turnira. Presrecan sam sto sam iz ovako teskog meca izasao kao pobednik. Igrati sa igracem kao sto je Nadal je uvek veliki izazov. Naravno, nastavicu I dalje da vredno treniram, ali danas cu da se za promenu opustim I uzivam! Upravo slusam mars na Drinu sa mojim timom I proslavljam u mom prepoznatljivom stilu :)

Facebook updates after yesterday's match

Celebrating the good times! Best team in the woooooooorld!!!!!! Idemooooooooooooo

Twitter update

Champeoooone,champeone ole,ole,NOLE!!! from Brother Marko's Twitter

Legenda!!! from baby Brother Djordje's Twitter

Dusan Vemic - Well done MACHAK.. well done.. Idemooo


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