Novak Djokovic - Champion For Peace

The tennis star who is ranked number 2 in the world has become Peace and Sport’s 55th ‘Champion for Peace’. Through this role Djokovic will actively promote sport and its values in the hope of creating a true culture of peace in the world.

The Serbian professional said of his recent engagement: "I am very proud that I was invited to become a Champion for Peace. I want to give back to the world the joy and fulfilment that I have received through tennis. I firmly believe that sport serves the cause of peace by improving the lives of young people and building bridges between communities. I want to contribute and become an actor for peace. The Peace and Sport organisation is the perfect platform to achieve this".

Peace and Sport’s mission is to use sport as a tool for dialogue, social integration and education for thousands of vulnerable young people living in underprivileged areas in the world.

Joël Bouzou, the president and founder of Peace and Sport, added: "Champions are the backbone of what we do at Peace and Sport. It's a real pleasure to be able to count on Novak's enthusiasm, determination and intelligence to engage with his fans, reach out to new audiences and convince policy-makers that sport can and must contribute to sustainable peace”

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