Nadal on Obama

A reader emails:

Hi Craig,

Thought you would enjoy the World #1's views of our 44th President

This is an exert from an interview that Rafa did in spanish. It was posted on VamosBrigade's News board in the Misc. Articles thread, and translated by forum member Rosario.

Q. Have you followed the election of Obama as the president of the USA?

A. The only thing I can say is that he seems to be the president of the world, that it will probably be an important change. Among all the disasters that surround us, all the wars, the violence and the misfortunes in the world, he seems to be a great hope. The world needed him. A hope, a new image that apparently can solve everything. He probably won’t be able to do it because it is impossible to solve all the evil already done.

Q. In sport, it helps to think that things can be changed.

A. Sure. Surely things will get better. I trust, but this man has a lot of pressure: all the expectations created around him... That’s partly good, but partly it isn’t. No matter how well he does it, it will never seem to be enough. He will have a complicated life, but ... he is welcome. If he really wants to change things like wars, to avoid misfortunes like what is happening now in Irak and Gaza, it will be good for everybody.

Please visit the entire interview on

I read your blog often, and I know you have been an active participant in the election of President Obama ( I never get tired of saying that, President Obama)

Enjoy the tennis.


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