Getting It From Both Sides

'Twin Storms Pummel Coast' screams The Oregonian. Rain on one end. Snow on the other. We're stting in the airport. Who knows when we'll get out of here. Our flight is delayed to Newark till at least 9:00 AM. Maine is shut down. We've re-routed our flight to Boston where, if we're lucky, we'll rent a car and drive to Portland, Maine, pick up our car and drive through the snow to get home. Being from Wisconsin and all, driving through snowstorms is cake.

We could've chosen to just do all this tomorrow, but I wanna get to the eat coast. I'm tired of the rain in Portland, rain that has been falling since we arrived on Thursday.

Still high from Davis Cup. I've got video clips coming your way and a whole slew of pictures from both the digital camera and the non-digital that I'll develop and scan when I get home. Whenever that will be. For now, just enjoy these from Yahoo.


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