Argentinean Players Tell All In New Book

Savannah has posted her latest Heard Around. It begins with a collection of compelling quotes from the new book La Legión habla which profiles twelve Argentinean players. Including Guillermo Coria. Whatever happened to him? Later in the entry, Savannah gives an update on the trials and tribuations of El Mago.

Living legend Guillermo Vilas penned the book's introduction. According to him "the book tries to show, from the mouth of the protagonists, that tennis isn't just prestige, fame and money. It is also egoism, extreme competition and almost constant loneliness."

If this excerpt is indicative of the book's content:

"What are the pros and cons of being a professional tennis player?"

"The main con is the falseness of your surroundings, not just from the players, but from everyone. In tennis, it's very normal to go from being the worst to the best and vice versa. In Argentina you're either God or you don't exist. When you're doing well, everyone surrounds you, and if you don't get the results, you're left all alone, or in other words, surrounded by the people who really care about you. That's why sometimes I may have been aloof or conceited because I never let anyone enter my circle of trust. You know how it goes and that there are heaps of people who latch on to you during the good times and then disappear."

then it sounds like a must-read for any fan who wants to know what life on the inside really looks like.

Read the Rest at Savannah's World


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