Facebook update - Twitter account & LA

Please see my other post regarding Novak's new Twitter account here

A few Facebook updates were posted last night (UK time).  Sorry for the delay, i was in bed!!

LA Novak

LA - Hollywood- Beverly Hills - Malibu. These are the places I visited so far on the West Coast (yo yo yo) :) I keep on noticing people around me who are probably there because they are dreaming of becoming actors or actively trying to be ones.... it is just incredible! :)The weather is perfect, people are very kind and easy going which makes me feel quite comfortable - almost as if I am their citizen :)

Starstruck Novak

Hehe - does anyone recognize this tall guy?!

Pogodite ko je!!! :)

Ma man - KOBE BRYANT! West side yo yo yo!!!

Derrick "3pt" Fisher - after the game, last year in LA. As you can see - i was well prepared to get an autograph :)

Davis Cup message

Well done guys! I'm sure many were underestimating India and expecting easy pass through to the next round. In those moments it is very difficult to give your best and focus on the win, but you coped well with the pressure and that's why i wanted to say WELL DONE and wish you good luck for tomorrow - one more win and QUARTERS!!!!


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