Red With Their Blood

I was all set to write a play-by-play of this match. But you can read that somewhere else.

Instead, I'll just say this: that was a spectacular, extraordinary final between two tennis geniuses who did what geniuses do. Both warriors fought, attacked, absorbed, counterpunched, dragged themselves back up when they looked like they were going down, and laid it all out. Masterful performances from both.

This was tennis. Sportsmanship. Valor. Respect. Completion.

The dirt is red with their blood.

Congratulations to both geniuses but in particular to Rafael Nadal who won his first Hamburg title with an exquisitely angled backhand passing shot that dropped defending champion Roger Federer's chin to his sternum in defeat for the first time in a Hamburg final.

Given the crowd's polite response to Rafa during the trophy presentation, I'll also suggest that this victory was about more than just tennis.


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