Novak Djokovic - Semi Final Press Conference Transcript

A little late...


64, 30 (ret.)

An interview with:


​THE MODERATOR:  Tomorrow Novak will attempt to become the first player to win five ATP World Masters 1000 in a season and he's also trying to win his 10th ATP World Masters 1000 and his ninth title of the season.
​Q.  It's unprecedented to win five, much less five in a row.  How special would that be?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  I think every title is special in its way.  Every tournament I play I only think about that certain tournament.  So that was the case here.  I was taking one match at a time.  I reached another final, which makes me really happy.
​I did win this tournament before, which helps a little bit.  I really like playing in Montréal.  I think the atmosphere is really good.  The crowd is coming in big numbers.  Obviously I'm lifting the level of my game each match, which is important prior to tomorrow's challenge.
​Q.  Are you surprised at just how much success, the sustained level you're able to produce at the moment?  Does it come as a surprise to you?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  No, it doesn't come by surprise.  I have been playing this well throughout the whole season.  So I'm just trying to keep that up.
​I put a lot of hours on the court and off the court working hard.  So it's not something that comes with the talent or something like that, it's really hard work and dedication.
​Q.  Coming into the match, did you know that Tsonga was hurting with his body?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  Only the last game, on 20.  I noticed that he's not moving really well.  But aside that, I don't think before he was having some troubles.
​But, you know, he told me that he carries this injury for a while.  It's unfortunate for him.  I hope he recovers for next week.
​Q.  Do you feel you're going into the US Open as the favorite, as the guy to beat?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  Well, next to Federer and Nadal, yeah, I mean, I've been playing incredible tennis this year.  I will be probably one of the favorites.
​But this is nothing different from what I have experienced in Grand Slams in last couple of years.  Being one of the top players, you always have these expectations.
​My approach will not be different that's for sure to this Grand Slam.  I will try to win every match I play on, not change any routine that I have.  If I will have different attention from people from the media in US Open, that's something I don't know.  It's still very early for me to talk about how I feel as No. 1 because I just became a couple weeks ago No. 1.
​But I'm really happy to be able to perform this well, you know, in the first tournament after a long break.
​Q.  Can you comment on the way your opponent was playing before he got hurt?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  Look, we played I think highquality tennis for an hour, first set.  It was even.  I think I had more chances on his service games than he had on mine.  I was returning really well, had a lot of break ball opportunities.  The break came at the right time.
​When you have a set advantage, obviously mentally, you know, it gives you a big relief.  You start playing even better in the second set.  You know, it was important for me to try to use the opportunity in his first service games in the start of the second set and make a constant pressure on his service with my returns.  That's what I did.  I made the break.
​Overall I think I've been playing last two matches on a very, very high level.  You know, obviously I want to keep that up.
​Q.  Monfils described his last match with you with very wide eyes as 'push, push, push, boom' against you.  Mardy said he's expecting more 'bang, bang, bang' at the net.  What are you expecting tomorrow, some 'push, boom' or 'bang, bang'?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  Good way to put it, I still haven't heard that (laughter).
​I don't think my game will significantly change, you know, tomorrow.  I will play the game that I always play:  aggressive from the baseline, trying to take every chance to go for the shots.
​But there is different tactics with every player, that's for sure.  Mardy is one of the rare players that plays serve and volley nowadays.  I think these conditions, which are a bit faster, are quite suitable to his style of game.  He's been winning his matches quite comfortably.  He's been serving extremely well.
​But I think if I return well, as well as I did in the last two matches, I have a good chance.
​Q.  Last time you played him in Miami in the semis, you beat him 63, 61, an easy win.  Do you expect this one to be tougher tomorrow?
​NOVAK DJOKOVIC:  Conditions are different, as I said.  Miami, the bounce is bigger than here.  It's slower than this surface.  I've been playing night matches.  He's been playing day matches.  Tomorrow we play at 3:00.  Maybe it's going to be hot.
​As I said, it's important when you play a player like Mardy to hold your composure, to be patient and wait, wait for the chance on his service games, try to have high percentage of the first serves and stay aggressive.
​I know he's going to come to the net.  I know he's going to take his chances.  He's been playing always like that.

    FastScripts by ASAP Sports

 Courtesy: Offical Website


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