I Am Who I Am

“I stand outside in the light,
Looking far away in the sky.
I am confused, puzzled,
Asking God to show me a ray of light.

I stand there thinking about my past,
I stand there thinking about my present, 
What am i worth of?

Do I give up now and rest forever?
Or shall I take control and lead my destiny?
A flush of air breeze past my face,
Asking me to WAKE UP.

In that moment I realize, Never give up.
Don’t let others control your fate,
I am the leader of my life,
I can do anything not because I am invincible,
But because I Am Who I Am.

No one can bind me, No one can hold me back,
I will continue to move forward, step by step,
as I Am and will always be Who I Am."

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Also: Its Better Late Than Never  (What one can learn from LiNa,Roger Federer & Dirk Nowitzki) 


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