Novak Djokovic v Andy Murray - The Re-match

The re-match happened yesterday at Indian Wells.  I am of course talking about football!!  Remember they had a match out in Australia that Andy Murray won, well the Serbs hit back yesterday :-)

Here are Novak's Tweets on the match:

Bro,result counts,and we kick their a.. ;-)) Man of the match Troicki Viktor! Was great football. Let play some more ;-)

I was talking about our football match today on the grass on site in IW. @andy_murray @dusanVemic Troicki,me played against some good team

But there were no match for us. Variety of serbian selfishness,british stubbornness was enough to beat the guys 3-2 :-)

@spajn Guys sorry,i forgot our "cramp" boy,Pera spajn. He was all over the field. Defence-offence. Thanx man ;-)


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